St Mark’s is a leading K-12 school and a centre of excellence in teaching and learning, pastoral care, worship and service. It provides a high quality, inclusive, caring, accessible Christian education. Since its establishment in 1986 as the foundation school of the Anglican Schools Commission, St Mark’s has established a long record of supporting students to be their best selves and to contribute positively to the world. 

The School’s Values of Respect, Knowledge, Confidence, Responsibility and Community, together with its faith, are constants, and give the whole School community comfort, direction and moral purpose. Anglicanism underpins all aspects of life at St Mark’s. Participation in Anglican faith and worship is offered to the School community—to students, families and staff—for personal exploration, study and conversation. 

St Mark’s provides all students with opportunities to learn, grow and succeed through: a relevant and personally meaningful curriculum; learning in both the classroom and through external partnerships; and group activities and service-learning opportunities. The School enables every student to be who they are and to engage in pathways appropriate to them, within an environment of high care and high challenge. A school truly focused on serving its community, at St Mark’s each student and each family is supported to feel safe and to have a sense of belonging to the School community beyond their time with the School. 

The Christian ethos, values, focus on wellbeing, and vibrant professional learning culture, promote a positive, collaborative and respectful work environment for the more than 200 outstanding staff who contribute to the School’s exciting, meaningful work.